
The Florida Public Relations Association (FPRA) is a statewide organization of more than 1,200 public relations professionals dedicated to advancing the professional development of its members. You should join.

July 2023 Event Banner Image

Upcoming Events

July 2023 Event Banner Image

Join us on a swashbuckling journey to One Buc Place at the Advent Health Training Facility in Tampa. The event takes place on Thursday, March 27th between 10:30am to 1pm. It’s a free event and includes lunch from Panera Bread.

Casey Phillips, team reporter and Nelson Luis, chief communications officer for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers will share their communications strategy and their experience working on a national level. Members will also tour parts of the Buc’s training facility, onsite studio and press room.  RSVP is required.

Members interested in carpooling, may sign up when they RSVP. We have three SUVs deployed throughout the county to help with transportation. Prior to the event, carpoolers will be contacted with pick up information.

Members traveling in their own vehicles will be provided parking instructions.

Address: 1 Buccaneer Pl, Tampa, FL 33607

Note: Members who prepaid for the professional development session in March may request a refund via email: info@fprapolk.org.

Remaining funds may be used to cover the cost for lunch at Panera Bread in Tampa. The balance will go into the operating budget and may be applied to upcoming FPRA chapter scholarships.


July 2023 Event Banner Image

Let’s keep with the FPRA tradition and volunteer at the 2025 Sun ‘n Fun Aerospace Expo, April 1st to April 6th. It’s a fun and easy way for us to support the community as public relations professionals. Press Center roles are in an air-conditioned environment.

Elect to volunteer for a few hours, a full day or several days. It’s up to you!

Volunteers may choose from various roles, such as: checking-in media representatives, helping with press conferences, operating golf-cart shuttle services and/or general hospitality.

Enjoy the volunteer benefits of free SUN ‘n FUN admission/parking, opening night concert with Tyler Hubbard, complimentary daily lunch, t-shirt, volunteer appreciation party and of course the USN Blue Angels!

To sign up, email FPRA member Carol Cali, press center chairman: carol.cali@caliconsulting.net

Note: No children can accompany their parents or siblings as this is a professional, working environment. Volunteers must be able to stand, walk and lift up to 20 lbs. as needed. 

Membership has its perks.


The Florida Public Relations Association is dedicated to developing public relations practitioners who, through ethical and standardized practices, enhance the public relations profession in Florida.


To be Florida’s most respected public relations organization