
Accredited in Public Relations (APR)

The Universal Accreditation Program for public relations professionals, which was formed in 1998, seeks to identify those in the profession who have demonstrated their knowledge, experience and judgment in planning and managing public relations activities. The APR designation signifies a high professional level of competence and validates a PR professional’s commitment to the field.


Florida Public Relations Association members in good standing are eligible to sit for the exam.  Although five years of paid, full-time experience in the professional practice of public relations, or in the teaching or administration of public relations courses in an accredited college or university is no longer required, it is strongly recommended.

What kinds of knowledge are tested?

The APR examination draws its questions from all areas of the public relations body of knowledge, including:

  • Research, planning, implementing and evaluating programs
  • Ethics and law
  • Communications models and theories
  • Business literacy
  • Management skills and issues
  • Crisis communication management
  • Media relations
  • Using information technology efficiently
  • History of and current issues in public relations
  • Advanced communications skills

Resources for Candidates – Whether you are a candidate for APR, APR+M or the Certificate in Principles of Public Relations, the following resources can help you achieve your goal.

View the Study Guide – For the Examination for Accreditation in Public Relations


Following the application process, candidates will be notified of their eligibility to schedule a Readiness Review. Candidates will sit for a Readiness Review, which will replace what has been known as the oral exam.

The Readiness Review will include a portfolio review and assessment of the candidate’s readiness to take the exam.  A local Readiness Review panel will coach each candidate to determine his or her areas of improvement and help identify specific areas in which the candidate should focus further study.  Candidates may not take the written exam until they have advanced from the Readiness Review.

Once advanced from the Readiness Review, candidates will take the exam at their convenience (no longer limited to twice each year) at a Prometric Testing Center.


The cost of the exam is $385, which is paid at the testing center when the candidate sits for the written portion of the test.  Florida Public Relations Association offers candidates trying to attain their APR and $100 rebate following the candidate’s advancement from the Readiness Review to assist in offsetting the cost of the exam.


FPRA offers local and statewide review sessions to prepare candidates for the exam.  Please contact a member of your local board of directors for more information.

Application for Accreditation

Take the first step toward earning your designation by filling out an Examination for Accreditation in Public Relations application.

Learn more about APR.

Certified Public Relations Counselor (CPRC)

The credential of Certified Public Relations Counselor is the second tier credential offered by the Florida Public Relations Association.  The certification process was developed to recognize professional growth and achievement of senior members who have already earned the APR designation.  Candidates for CPRC must be a member of the Florida Public Relations Association and have a minimum of 10 years of professional practice in public relations.

Thinking about becoming a Certified Public Relations Counselor? If you’re thinking about sitting for the CPRC exam, you might be wondering if you’re ready… The answer is YES … if you can say yes to the following questions:

  • Am I Accredited in Public Relations?
  • Do I have a minimum of 10 years experience in the field of public relations?
  • Do I have proven experience in developing and implementing successful, comprehensive public relations programs?
  • Do I have the ability to use my experience and knowledge to develop case study responses?
  • Do I have the skills to make a 30-minute presentation demonstrating the ability to present a public relations plan and gain acceptance and support from decision makers?

Learn more about CPRC.