My Objectives…
At our board installation last month I outlined my three main focuses for my presidency. In case you missed it, I have outlined them below:
- Financial Sustainability – We are in great shape financially, thanks to previous fundraisers and conservative spending. I would like to pour more money into our members. In order to do this, we need a steady form of yearly income. I want to begin an annual fundraising event that makes us better at what we do as PR professionals. We will also be instituting annual chapter sponsorships to make the budgeting process easier.
- Personalized Membership – I want to create more dialogue with our chapter members. I want you, the members, to know you are valued and I want you to find value in your membership. You will receive more personal emails from me and more emails from me to the chapter. If you ever have a question, concerns or ideas, I’m all ears.
- Impactful Programs – I am increasing our focus on the topics and speakers we bring in for professional development. To bring more quality speakers in, we will tap our network of professionals and spend more money on honorariums. Improving programming is a worthy investment in the people who matter most–you, our members!
You may have noticed my objectives are interconnected.
Great Programs = More Engaged Members = Spending Money = Great Programs
I hope you will support the board and me as we work hard to serve you over the next year. If you are interested in getting involved, please let me know. In my experience, the more you put into the chapter, the more you get out!
– Brad